Weekly 7
10 reasons people make stupid decisions
The title says it all. And this is probably one of the very few times I agree with every point in the list!!!
Google Puts Lid on New Products
Realizing that its myriad services are confusing users, it will focus on refining what it has.
Automated Antenna Design
A little off the usual topic, but seeing as I’m an AI (Artificial Intelligence) buff, and especially genetic algorithms (aka evolutionary algorithms) this is a great story!
DMOZ Directory – How Much Money Is It Worth To You
Personally I don’t believe it’s worth much, if anything, right now. There seems to be a lot innactivity and possibly some corruption going on. Just read the comments in that post alone, and trust me you see these types of comments everywhere online!
The Multi-Tasking Myth
Multi-tasking is very difficult, and although I do admit that some people are better at it then others, you always encounter some penalty.
10 Tips for Moving From Programmer to Entrepreneur
Some great tips! Many of which I’ve had to learn the hard way myself. Probably his first tip was the most applicable for me initially, but one which I strongly agree with now.
Must Read: Top 10 Mortgage Mistakes
Some great tips here if you’re shopping for a mortgage, especially if you’re new to the industry.