Interview the Pros – Update
As many of you already know, I’m in the process of getting a book published called Interview the Pros: What does it take to create a Successful Blog? which consists of 40 interviews with many prominent bloggers and will be available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and so on. The good news is that I’ve just finished sending the final review/edit of the book to my publisher earlier this week. I’m now in the process of working with them on the book’s cover copy (the wording on the cover, back, inserts). We’re also in the process of working through the illustrations for the cover, and what have you. As far as I understand, this next step could take up to 5 weeks.
The book’s already been assigned it own ISBN, which is pretty cool! It will be available in both hard cover and soft cover, In addition to this I’m in the process of building up a website for the book which should be available for its release. I’d share the link but it’s not yet ready.
All in all things are progressing. It’s not as fast as I’m used to in the blogging and technical world, but I’ve been informed that for a traditionally published book is pretty fast, which is good news.
I’ll keep you posted with updates as they become available.
For those of you who are new to this blog (the readership is growing quite rapidly), the list of people interviewed for the book are:
- Aaron Wall from SEO Book
- Ades Tynyshev from Ades Blog
- Al Carlton from
- Alex Papadimoulis of Worse Than Failure
- Andy Brice of Success Software
- Anita Campbell from Small Business Trends
- Asha Dornfest from Parent Hacks
- Ben Casnocha
- Ben Yoskovitz of Instigator Blog
- Bob Walsh author from 47 Hats
- Dan Lyons from The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs
- Dane Carlson from Dane Carlson’s Business Opportunities Weblog
- David Armano from Logic+Emotion
- David Seah
- Derek Semmler
- Dharmesh Shah from On Startups
- Eric Sink
- Ian Landsman of Userscape
- James and Alex Turnbull from Google Sightseeing
- JD from Get Rich Slowly
- Jeff Atwood of Coding Horror
- Jeff Clavier from Jeff Clavier’s Software Only
- Jennette Fulda from Half of Me
- Jenny from 101 Reasons I Hate Being Fat!
- Jessamyn West of
- Joel Cheesman from Cheezhead
- Jonathan Snook
- Manolo from Manolo’s Shoe Blog
- Neil Patel from Quick Sprout
- Pamela Slim from Escape from Cubicle Nation
- Patrick McKenzie from Micro ISV on a Shoestring
- Penelope Trunk of Brazen Careerist
- Ramit Sethi from I will Teach You to be Rich
- Rob Walling from Software By Rob
- Rohit Bhargava from Influential Marketing Blog
- Seth Godin
- Stephane Grenier of Follow Steph (me)
- Steve Rubel from Micro Persuasion
- Trent Hamm from The Simple Dollar
- Yaro Starak from Entrepreneur’s Journey
· June 26th, 2008 · 6:29 pm · Permalink
Hey Steph,
How did you manage to interview yourself? 😉
· June 26th, 2008 · 9:43 pm · Permalink
Hi Bob,
The key to the book is that I asked everyone the same questions. The goal of the book is twofold. First and foremost is to learn from the pros, that’s an obvious goal. Secondly it was to see how the pros were similar and differed in their approaches to blogging. And I have to admit this is what really makes the book great!
What you’ll notice when you read it is that some bloggers have completely different views on some topics and yet they all succeeded. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of similarities, but the breath of difference in opinion and approaches some of them had about blogging is very impressive. It especially shows that there’s no one true and only way of blogging.
Which, to answer your question in a really long-winded way, is why I was able to interview myself. I simply asked myself the same interview questions that I asked everyone else 🙂
· August 27th, 2008 · 3:26 pm · Permalink
[…] most of you already know, I’m the process of publishing a book in which I interview 40 very prominent bloggers. The project started in the winter of 2007 and we’re now near the end of the summer of 2008. […]