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LandlordMax Mac Version Coming Very Soon

As I’ve already mentioned before, we’re working on a Mac version of LandlordMax. The good news is that it’s almost ready. It’s also why I haven’t been posting much lately, I’ve just been way too consumed trying to complete and release the Mac version. It’s amazing how many little details there are when supporting another operating system. I plan on eventually posting about some of the issues we encountered between Mac and Windows.

To give you a quick update, the Mac version is looking really good. The only issue we’re aware of that’s left has to do with backing up and restoring database file between the Mac and Windows versions. This is an example of some of the weird operating system differences that we’ve had to resolve.

In any case, we’re extremely close to releasing it. I know I told some people I expected it to be available by now, but the LandlordMax Mac version will be released any day now.

It’s very exciting!

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  •     FollowSteph.com – LandlordMax Mac Version Update
    · September 13th, 2009  · 11:54 pm  · Permalink

    […] I last wrote about it, we resolved our biggest issue. That is the software now has the ability to backup and transfer […]

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