Adsense, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Website Promotions
The seminar where I was a keynote speaker over the last two weekends turned out to be a great success! Not only was it sold out, but everyone seemed to really benefit from it! All in all a phenomonal success!
Because of the enthusiasm and success of the first seminar, we’ve (me and Glenn Scott) decided to offer another repeat of it, just a little more condensed. The next seminar will only be lecture based rather than a combination of lecture and workshop, and it will be over 1 weekend instead of two. The new seminar will be very similar in terms of content; Adsense, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and website promotion methods. We’re just going to eliminate the Dreamweaver MX section and the computer workshop time.
We’re very excited about it, especially considering the amazing feedback we received! You can yourself view some of the amazing video testimonials we received from the seminar by going directly to the the new website we’ve setup for the next course: You can also view comments that were left from some of the attendees on my blog related entry here. As you can easily see, it was a great success!
This next seminar will be held on the weekend of September 23-24, 2006 here in Ottawa. If you’re interested, please visit for more details.
In addition, based on the feedback from the people in the seminar, we’re going to offer in the very near future (within days) a new membership based group to for as little as $25/month, which is extremely affordable! It’s less than either cable tv or your cell phone, it’s the price of only one supper outing. The idea is that it will give you the opportunity to keep up to date with the latest industry information through both its online blog/newsletter and forums where both me and Glenn Scott will be very active members. In addition to that as part of the same membership package, we’re going to offer something similar to what REIN offers for real estate investors, we’re also going to host a monthly evening event where we’ll have either one of us, or a guest speaker, talk about the latest information, offer tips, show things we’ve learning that month, and so on. These monthly evening events will of course be optional, but I wouldn’t want to miss them!
I’m personally very excited about this new package because it gives the people who take the seminar a nice way of following up after the seminar is done, it helps to keep them updated. Therefore as part of the seminar package, we’re giving everyone who takes the seminar one free month’s access to this extra package, giving you a month’s worth of free access to the member’s only section of and one free monthly evening event eadmission!
Very Exciting! Had you asked me two weeks ago about these new offerings, chances are I wouldn’t have been able to predict them. But after having gone through the seminar once and seeing the interest, I can’t help but be thrilled!
Lastly, as many of you who took the course have already seen, we’ve been working very hard this week to get the website up and running (it was unplanned), and if everything goes well we should be fully operational by the end of the weekend. As we mentioned in the seminar, neither of us had any plans of offering this seminar again, or even expanding on it, but the interest and enthusiasm were so high that I was able to convince Glenn Scott to join me for a few more offerings. Therefore I can’t guarantee how many more seminars we’ll offer here in Ottawa, so if you’re interested I would suggest taking the next one right away in case it’s the last one…
· May 2nd, 2007 · 12:35 am · Permalink
[…] For some time now I’ve been considering writing a book about marketing and sales for small online businesses. Not just software businesses, but all small online businesses. During the summer I was even a spearker at such a seminar with Glenn Scott where I personally presented “Website Promotion and Traffic Generation” which got some really great reviews. As one attendee put it, “if the average course is like drinking from a cup [content], then this course is like drinking water from a fire hydrant“. […]